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Vellar Crafts Village Re-development Proposal

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Master Plan – R1
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Zoning Plan - R0
Visitors Experience Walk Flow
Master Plan - R1
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Re-development of a Crafts Village spread over 8.42 acres ( 34,0889 sq.m). It was built in 2012 at an cost of ₹10 crores based on the model of Delhi Haat. But six years later, just five of the 27 craft huts still host any craftsmen. And even these men see their spots as workshops, while they go elsewhere looking for showrooms and customers.

Re-development of the Master plan was carried out by creating a wholesome experience for the tourists by giving them a glimpse of local arts & crafts, ethnic food and culture. We had to attract more footfalls and encourage extended stays. This required upgrading the Parking, Reception & Facilities for the Tourists. Also planned was the Renovation and Addition of Handicraft Kiosks & Emporiums. Creating a Casual Food Court, Restaurant & Food Kiosks with seating to attract more local visitors as well as tourists. Also planned was a Fairy land by integrating the existing water body with Animal Themed Kids Park with Light & Sound Show.

The components of the project include a craft design and technology development center and a state-of-the-art marketing center. It is envisaged as a ‘major picnic-cum-shopping spot for city dwellers and tourists, who can interact with craftsmen and watch various processes of manufacturing’.

LocationThiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Project TypeMaster Planning
Design Team CollaborationBURO Development Architecture Planning, Ahmedabad
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