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Cloud Door Resort – Villa Interiors

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1 bhk Villa – Living Room-01
1 bhk Villa – Master Bedroom 01
1 bhk Villa – Living Room 02
2 bhk Villa Living Room
2 bhk Villa – Living Room
2 bhk Villa – Master Bedroom
3 bhk Villa – Living Room
3 bhk Villa – Living Room
3 bhk Villa – Master Bedroom
3bhk Villa-Master Bedroom
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1 bhk Villa - Living Room-01
1 bhk Villa - Master Bedroom 01
1 bhk Villa - Living Room 02
2 bhk Villa Living Room
2 bhk Villa - Living Room
2 bhk Villa - Master Bedroom
3 bhk Villa - Living Room
3 bhk Villa - Living Room
3 bhk Villa - Master Bedroom
3bhk Villa-Master Bedroom
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Interiors of these different types of Villas were inspired by the innocence, purity and simplicity of the American Country-side Cottages in a lush green forest surroundings. The style, which conveys the unpretentious ease of farm life, is finding an increasingly receptive audience.

Cottage style has a colorful, comfortable look characterized by painted or decorated furniture with graceful lines, weathered finishes, textural elements such as baskets and natural fiber rugs, and colors taken straight from a lush flower garden.

LocationWayanad, Kerala
Project TypeVilla Interiors
Design Team CollaborationBURO Development Architecture Planning, Ahmedabad
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